Storage Issues when rebooting a S2D node after may patches
Lately we have seen alot of Event ID 5120 with a status code of STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT or STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED during rebooting...
What’s new in System Center Virtual Machine Manager 1807
So VMM 1807 was just released yesterday and there is not a lot of new features in this...
Best practice planning a Storage Spaces Direct Cluster 2-16 nodes Part 2 Extending a cluster
Welcome back In this post we will talk about how to extend your existing S2D cluster and what...
Best practice planning a Storage Spaces Direct Cluster 2-16 nodes Part 1
Hi everyone, I am back with another Storage Spaces Direct post. This time I would like to talk...
Backup problems with Backup Exec and CSV ReFS volumes
So i have been working on this case for about 4 weeks. Where a client have been having...
Patching Storage Spaces Direct
Hello Everyone I have been starting over and over on this blog post since nov 2017 wich coinsided...
Build Your own DIY home lab Part 2: The “Server Room”
So a while ago i started on a blog post series i had hoped to be able to...
Unable to Bare Metal Deploy new S2D host from VMM with both physical Mellanox nic
4 weeks ago i started my new job at CTGlobal here in Norway. Where i will be focusing...
How to bring your 2 node S2D cluster back up when witnes share is gone
So a client had patched there 2 node S2D cluster this Sunday. When the 2nd node came up...
How to rebind Mirror or Performance Drives back to S2D Cache device
A few days ago a friend of mine asked me if i had any idea on how to...